Calling all cultures!
TIS UN Day celebration is coming up on October 21 and we need your help! Cultural Performances We are looking for high quality...
Grade 1 - Peaceful Solutions
Grade 1 has finished their unit on creating peaceful solutions to problems that they encounter while at school. Students worked in groups...
Grade 2 sings "Lavender Blue"
Grade 2 students have been practicing singing songs and rounds a capella (without accompaniment). They are currently working on a unit...
What is your favorite color?
How are colors organized? How can we group them? How many colors can we make? Grade 3 is reviewing color theory and practicing how to mix...
Friendship colors
What happens when you mix different colors? How can we work together? Kindergarten has explored colors and how we can make new colors....
KG and Grade 1 Parents - We need your help!
KG and Grade 1 music classes are exploring music from around the world. This week we began discussing songs we know from our own...
PS1 Explores Tuneful, Beatful, and Artful with Folk Songs
In PS1 we are exploring Who We Are as singing and dancers. We are learning how to use our voice instruments safely and how to be...
Grade 3 Students are Tuneful With Recorders
Grade 3 students are currently studying two Stand-Alone Music Units: "Rocking Recorders Part 1," and "Conversational Solfege Unit 3." ...
Grade 5 Movie Makers
Our fifth graders just completed their first stage of movie production: Storyboarding. In groups they learned about differences in camera...