Collaborative Art - KG & G1
For the first couple of weeks, Kindergarten and First grade have explored the elements of art: line, shape and color through a...
Along Came Anansi
#Music #Drama #VisualArt #1M #2T #2H #3C #3P #4H #4M #5M #5E
Along Came Anansi Portraits
#Music #Drama #VisualArt #1M #2T #2H #3C #3P #4M #4H #5M #5E
Along Came Anansi Video
This video can also be found on the TIS Youtube channel - and in the Student Resources folder on the school server. #Music #Drama...
Grade 1 - Peaceful Solutions
Grade 1 has finished their unit on creating peaceful solutions to problems that they encounter while at school. Students worked in groups...
Grade 1 - Music Spots
In Grade 1 music we kicked off the school year by relating our Essential Agreement to music. We discussed how musicians need to be...